The easy way to follow Parliament
No Spin, No Bias. Both sides of every argument.
Want to know which MP's have contributed to debates? Would you like to know what they've said, without having to crawl through hours of Parliament TV? Want to know which Parties speak the most on Climate Change, Poverty, Defence or anything else?
QuickPolitics shows you all that, on your phone. Simply click through the graphics to the original debate text. Fast.

Find, Read, Share...
There are a lot of untold stories that go on in Parliament that never make the news. Use our app to quickly share segments from the speeches about the things that matter most to you.
What to expect from QuickPolitics
We’ve built in several features to make the data from Parliament accessible, understandable and shareable with everyone.
Daily Summary
Keep your finger firmly on Parliament's pulse. You’ll find a daily round-up of what was said each day in the House of Commons.
MP Search
Want to see where an MP’s priorities lie? Find a summary of what each person talks about and set notifications so you get an alert when they speak.
Topic search
Passionate about a certain issue? Access a summary of charts and speeches across over 600 categories and topics. You can even set alerts.
MP tables
Get a visual representation both monthly and annually detailing which MP's have contributed the most.
Sharable functionality
Highlight key sections from the latest debates and share them with the world online within a few seconds
Flag MP's and Topics and receive a notification on your phone whenever your favourite MP speaks, or your favourite Topic is discussed.
Try it today!
It's free for the first month!
Getting started is a piece of cake. Download the app via the Apple App Store or Google Play, create an account and subscribe to activate your free 1-month trial*.
* will renew after the first month at the standard subscription price (currently £4.99/month or £49.99 per year) if not cancelled before.
One price, no ads
We fund the service through straightforward subscriptions, not advertising. You won't see any ads, and your search data won't be shared with anyone.
Subscriptions start at £4.99/month (after the first month free trial) and can be cancelled at any time
Frequently asked questions
If you have anything else you want to ask, email us at
How do you calculate the charts?
The app imports the daily record (called Hansard) and chops it down into individual words. It notes which MP spoke each word and knows which Party each MP belongs to. It then produces charts from this data. -
Is it all charts? Can I read the words spoken in a debate?
Yes, you can read the full debates. The objective of the charts is to help you navigate to the debate content that interests you fast. -
Can I see what an MP is talking about?
Yes. You can search for an MP, see the topics they speak about and read their contributions. You can also set an alert so that you get a notification on your phone when they have spoken.. -
Can I set notifications?
Yes, you can set MP notifications and Topic notifications. Every time one of your favourite MPs speaks, or whenever one of your favourite topics is discussed, you will receive a notification on your phone. -
Will it work on my phone?
QuickPolitics is designed to work on iPhones running iOS14+, and devices running Android 5.1+ with Chromium 79+. -
Can I use it on my desktop computer?
No. QuickPolitics is currently only available as a smartphone app. However, it does work on iPad and tablets. -
What does it cost?
The subscription is free for the first month to let users see all the information that comes with the service. After this the subscription will renew at the standard price. This is currently £4.99/month or £49.99 per year. You can cancel your subscription at any time, and your service (and billing) will terminate at the end of that subscription period. -
Can I cancel if I don’t like it?
Yes! Your subscription will auto renew but you can cancel it at any time. You can cancel it through your Apple or Google Play account. -
Does it include the House of Lords?
Not currently. But watch this space for updates. -
Does it include Committees?
QuickPolitics includes the Committees reported by Hansard. These are the Public Bill Committees and also General Committees. -
Can I share the information?
Yes. There are several share functions, and where we don’t offer one, you can always share a screenshot -
What is Hansard?
Hansard is the official report of all Parliamentary debates. It is “substantially verbatim”. We use Commons Hansard (as opposed to Lords Hansard). Commons Hansard includes proceedings in the Commons Chamber and Westminster Hall, as well as written ministerial statements, petitions and ministerial corrections, with separate reports produced of proceedings in Commons General and Public Bill Committees. -
Is QuickPolitics affiliated with any political party?
No definitely not. Our entire purpose is to provide a politically neutral charted summary of what is happening in the House of Commons. -
Who owns QuickPolitics?
QuickPolitics is owned by two private individuals, neither of whom is a member of any political party or organisation. The business is based in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. -
Are you allowed to use Hansard data?
Yes. QuickPolitics contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0. -
How far back does the data go?
Subscribers can see data back to the beginning of 2020. The Daily View, MP Rankings, Topic Search and MP Search all operate across the full date range for subscribers. Non subscribers can only see a summary of the most recent day that parliament sat.