Support FAQ

Are there any known support issues currently?

7th August 14:00; the system is down for about an hour to enable us to add some new notifications functionality. We will post again here, when it's back on line again.

How do I subscribe to QuickPolitics?

If you have an iPhone download the App from the App Store, or if you have an Android phone download the App from the GooglePlay store. All payments go through those two platforms.

What if I change my mind?

No problem. You can delete the App from your phone and you can unsubscribe from the App Store/Play Store.

Do you capture my personal data?

Just your Name and Email address. We use this solely to create and manage your subscription. We don’t pass it to anyone else and we don’t use it for advertising. You can read our full privacy policy here:

How can I ask you a question?

Email us at